
We present a complete derivation of the semiclassical limit of the coherent-state propagator in one dimension, starting from path integrals in phase space. We show that the arbitrariness in the path integral representation, which follows from the overcompleteness of the coherent states, results in many different semiclassical limits. We explicitly derive two possible semiclassical formulae for the propagator, we suggest a third one, and we discuss their relationships. We also derive an initial-value representation for the semiclassical propagator, based on an initial Gaussian wavepacket. It turns out to be related to, but different from, Heller's thawed Gaussian approximation. It is very different from the Herman-Kluk formula, which is not a correct semiclassical limit. We point out errors in two derivations of the latter. Finally we show how the semiclassical coherent-state propagators lead to WKB-type quantization rules and to approximations for the Husimi distributions of stationary states.

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