
Zero-shot learning has received great interest in visual recognition community. It aims to classify new unobserved classes based on the model learned from observed classes. Most zero-shot learning methods require pre-provided semantic attributes as the mid-level information to discover the intrinsic relationship between observed and unobserved categories. However, it is impractical to annotate the enriched label information of the observed objects in real-world applications, which would extremely hurt the performance of zero-shot learning with limited labeled seen data. To overcome this obstacle, we develop a Low-rank Semantics Grouping (LSG) method for zero-shot learning in a semi-supervised fashion, which attempts to jointly uncover the intrinsic relationship across visual and semantic information and recover the missing label information from seen classes. Specifically, the visual-semantic encoder is utilized as projection model, low-rank semantic grouping scheme is explored to capture the intrinsic attributes correlations and a Laplacian graph is constructed from the visual features to guide the label propagation from labeled instances to unlabeled ones. Experiments have been conducted on several standard zero-shot learning benchmarks, which demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method by comparing with state-of-the-art methods. Our model is robust to different levels of missing label settings. Also visualized results prove that the LSG can distinguish the test unseen classes more discriminative.

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