
Many machine learning applications rely on learning distance functions with side information. Most of these distance metric learning approaches learns a Mahalanobis distance. While these approaches may work well when data is in low dimensionality, they become computationally expensive or even infeasible for high dimensional data. In this paper, we propose a novel method of learning nonlinear distance functions with side information while clustering the data. The new semi-supervised clustering approach is called Semi-Supervised Fuzzy clustering with Learnable Cluster dependent Kernels (SS-FLeCK). The proposed algorithm learns the underlying cluster-dependent dissimilarity measure while finding compact clusters in the given data set. The learned dissimilarity is based on a Gaussian kernel function with cluster dependent parameters. This objective function integrates penalty and reward cost functions. These cost functions are weighted by fuzzy membership degrees. Moreover, they use side-information in the form of a small set of constraints on which instances should or should not reside in the same cluster. The proposed algorithm uses only the pairwise relation between the feature vectors. This makes it applicable when similar objects cannot be represented by a single prototype. Using synthetic and real data sets, we show that SS-FLeCK outperforms several other algorithms.

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