
Microscopic hyperspectral images has the advantage of containing rich spatial and spectral information. However, the large number of spectral bands provides a significant amount of spectral features, but also leads to data redundancy and noise, which seriously affect the recognition and classification performance of the images, as well as increasing the requirements for computation and storage. To address this issue, we propose a dimensionality reduction algorithm named enhanced discriminant local constraint preserving projection (EDLCPP). Specifically, the global spectral attention mechanism focuses on important bands, the high discriminability sample selection module measures the discriminability of samples using a modified average neighborhood margin, the graph construction module preserves the local geometric relationship and discriminant information, and the graph embedding module embeds the constructed graphs into a low-dimensional space to obtain the projection matrices. Experimental results on eight cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) hyperspectral images, Bloodcell1-3, and Bloodcell2-2 datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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