
In this paper we gauge the utility of general-purpose, open-domain semantic parsing for textual entailment recognition by combining graph-structured meaning representations with semantic technologies and formal reasoning tools. Our approach achieves high precision, and in two case studies we show that when reasoning over n-best analyses from the parser the performance of our system reaches stateof-the-art for rule-based textual entailment systems. 1 Background and Motivation There is a growing interest in recent years in general-purpose semantic parsing into graphbased meaning representations, which provide greater expressive power than tree-based structures. Recent efforts in this spirit include, for example, Abstract Meaning Representation (Banarescu et al., 2013), and Semantic Dependency Parsing (SDP) (Oepen et al., 2014; Oepen et al., 2015). Simultaneously, in the Semantic Web community, a range of generic semantic technologies for storing and processing graph-structured data has been made available, but these have not been much used for natural language processing tasks. We propose a flexible, generic framework for precision-oriented Textual Entailment (TE) recognition that combines semantic parsing, graph-based representations of sentence meaning, and semantic technologies. During the decade since the TE task was defined, (logical) inference-based approaches have made some important contributions to the field. Systems such as Bos and Markert (2006) and Tatu and Moldovan (2006) employ automated proof search over logical representations of the input sentences. Other systems, such as Bar-Haim et al. (2007), apply transformational rules to linguistic representations of the sentence pairs, and determine entailment through graph subsumption. Because inference-based systems are vulnerable to incomplete knowledge in the rule set and errors in the mapping from natural language sentences to logical forms or linguistics representations, and because the definition of the TE task encourages a more relaxed, non-logical notion of entailment, the majority of TE systems have used more robust approaches, however. Our work supports a notion of logical inference for TE by reasoning with formal rules over graph-structured meaning representations, while achieving results that are comparable with robust approaches. We use a freely available, grammar-driven semantic parser and a well-defined reduction of underspecified logical-form meaning representations into variable-free semantic graphs called Elementary Dependency Structures (EDS) (Oepen and Lonning, 2006). We capitalize on a pre-existing storage and search infrastructure for EDSs using generic semantic technologies. For entailment classification, we create inference rules that enrich the EDS graphs, apply the rules with a generic reasoner, and use graph alignment as a decision tool. To test our generic setup, we perform two case studies where we replicate well-performing TE systems, one from the Parser Evaluation using Textual Entailments (PETE) task (Yuret et al., 2010), and one from SemEval 2014 Task 1 (Marelli et al., 2014). The best published results for the PETE task, Lien (2014), were obtained through heuristic rules that align meaning representations based on structural similarity. Lien and Kouylekov (2014) extend the same basic approach for SemEval 2014 by including lexical relations and negation handling. We recast the handwritten heuristic rules from these systems as formal Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) rules, and run them with a generic reasoning tool over EDS


  • Background and MotivationThere is a growing interest in recent years in general-purpose semantic parsing into graphbased meaning representations, which provide greater expressive power than tree-based structures

  • Our work supports a notion of logical inference for Textual Entailment (TE) by reasoning with formal rules over graph-structured meaning representations, while achieving results that are comparable with robust approaches

  • Input sentences are parsed with the English Resource Grammar (ERG), and the resulting Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS) are translated into logical formulae that can be prosessed by an inference engine

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Background and Motivation

There is a growing interest in recent years in general-purpose semantic parsing into graphbased meaning representations, which provide greater expressive power than tree-based structures. During the decade since the TE task was defined, (logical) inference-based approaches have made some important contributions to the field Systems such as Bos and Markert (2006) and Tatu and Moldovan (2006) employ automated proof search over logical representations of the input sentences. Because inference-based systems are vulnerable to incomplete knowledge in the rule set and errors in the mapping from natural language sentences to logical forms or linguistics representations, and because the definition of the TE task encourages a more relaxed, non-logical notion of entailment, the majority of TE systems have used more robust approaches, . Our work supports a notion of logical inference for TE by reasoning with formal rules over graph-structured meaning representations, while achieving results that are comparable with robust approaches.

General-purpose Semantic Parsing
Semantic Technologies and Textual Entailment
Subsumption Algorithm
Lexical Relations
N-best Matching
First Case Study
Second Case Study
Conclusions and Future Work
Full Text
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