
The main mechanism for the consolidation of the Turkic peoples into a superethnos is the study of the continuity of modern Turkic languages that grew out of a single common Turkic language, and the features of the formation of patterns inherent in each language in the context of “language and ethnos”, “language and society”, “language and culture”. These issues will contribute to bringing the intercultural relations of the Turkic-speaking peoples to a qualitatively new level, preserving and promoting common Turkic language and cultural values in the context of globalization. In this regard, the development of a theoretical substantiation of the comparatively synchronous lexicology of the modern Kypchak and modern Oghuz languages with linguistic expertise of scientific and theoretical provisions and conclusions related to the vocabulary of the Turkic languages, based on the materials of the Kazakh, Nogai, Bashkir, Tatar, Kumyk, Kyrgyz, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Gagauz, Turkmen languages is of great importance. After all, in the process of combining conceptual scientific knowledge on individual and general issues of lexicology, a single body of theoretical knowledge about the lexical composition of the Turkic languages will be created, and the commonalities and differences at the current level of development of the Turkic languages will be clearly defined. This circumstance leads to a complete study of two, three or more Turkic languages or comparative-historical, comparative-descriptive between language groups and language subgroups. The article reveals the semantic features of the vocabulary of modern Turkic written languages.

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