
We introduce a project aimed at enhancing a valency lexicon of Czech verbs with coherent semantic classes. For this purpose, we make use of FrameNet, a semantically oriented lexical resource. At the present stage, semantic frames from FrameNet have been mapped to two groups of verbs with divergent semantic and morphosyntactic properties, verbs of communication and verbs of exchange. The feasibility of this task has been proven by the achieved inter-annotator agreement – 85.9% for the verbs of communication and 78.5% for the verbs of exchange. As a result of our experiment, the verbs of communication have been classified into nine semantic classes and the verbs of exchange into ten classes, based on upper level semantic frames from FrameNet.KeywordsSemantic PropertyMathematical LinguisticsWord Sense DisambiguationSemantic ClassisLexical UnitThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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