
The article considers semantic changes in English words as certain movements in accordance with figurative schemes within the framework of the conceptual structure of the word and lexical categories. We believe this aspect to be relevant as the traditional approach to semantic changes of words in the diachronic perspective does not reveal the mechanism of transition from one meaning to another. In terms of cognitive linguistics, it is possible to more profoundly describe the phenomenon of recategorization in the English word semantics in the diachronic perspective and understand the essence of these changes. The scientific novelty of this study is the evaluation of semantic changes in the vocabulary of the English language from the standpoint of categorization, which is considered within the framework of diachronic changes influenced by a variety of external, extralinguistic factors, including the level of the development of civilization, culture and thinking of the English-speaking nation. We have provided rationale for the hypothesis that every shift of the meaning towards “improvement” or “deterioration” in the diachronic perspective will depend on the direction of the movement (to the core or periphery) of the word conceptual base: deterioration of the meaning is often associated with its movement towards the periphery, and improvement - with its movement to the core. The expansion and narrowing of the meanings of words is associated, respectively, with the movement from its part to its whole and from its whole to its part in the conceptual structure of words. In each specific case, the language selects the optimal way to change the value. This is the theoretical significance of our research. The possibility of using research materials in courses in the history of the English language, linguistic and cultural aspects of the English language, lexicology and stylistics of the English language determines the practical significance of the study.

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