
Cloud computing is the process of lending the required resources that includes computing power, network access, database storage, applications, and other IT resources in on demand basis through a cloud services platform with pay-as- you-go pricing. Here, users access services according to their requirements, without knowing where the services are hosted or how they’re delivered. So Resource Management is tedious process between different clouds. Since different clouds will have different types of cloud virtualization techniques with corresponding middleware's with unique mechanism and protocols, we face lot of interoperability issues. So there is a need to address these interoperability issues between different clouds to achieve the highest availability of cloud resources. This motivates us to conceive a proposal Semantic based Interoperable Cloud Resource Allocation (SICRA) that provides a common mechanism to access the resources of different clouds Proposed work also incorporates the semantic services for identifying best potential resource. Thus an ontology based indexing and retrieving algorithms are designed and provided with ranking which in turn increases the success rate.

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