
Ensuring ship navigational safety is a complex, multi-faceted problem that can only be solved while considering the human factor and, consequently, the language component of this problem. Terms in general, and navigational terms in particular, comprising the concepts of navigational safety and acting as tools of knowledge, are very important components of the professional communication verbal aspect. Although extensive, the English terminology of navigation is not described systematically enough in its more specific sections, which leads to terminological synonymy and a variative interpretation of some terms. These problems prevent maritime transport from becoming safer. This study of semantic correlations in the space of navigation safety provides a deeper insight into the nature of the phenomenon. It also enables maritime English instructors to develop an effective mechanism for students to master, based on the awareness of the correlation between term subjects and concept structures. Highlights The subject world of navigational safety management and the corresponding cognitive space are unique areas of professional activity at sea The complex nature of maintaining safety of navigation determines the hierarchical structure of its terminological system The concepts within the area of sea safety navigation categorize and systematize knowledge which forms an integral part of professional navigation at sea The methods of the study involve field approach, as well as hierarchical term classification, as some of the most effective ways to describe the lexical and semantic structures of specialized terminological systems The systematization of such units is relevant for the process of training navigators for work in mixed crews

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