
The purpose of this study was to examine the apical foramen of root apices extracted during apicotomies. A total of 25 teeth extracted from 25 patients admitted to the Department of Conservative Dentistry at Tokyo Dental College's Chiba Hospital were used for the study. All patients were between 22 to 56 years of age at the time of the study, and each of the 25 cases was determined clinically on radiographs to be chronic apical suppurative periodontitis. Microsurgery was performed on all cases, and the extracted root apices were then observed using SEM. The results demonstrated a wide opening, greater than 350 microns as measured along the major axis, of the apical foramen in 80% of the cases. Various characteristics indicative of resorption were observed around the apical foramen. These features included those believed to have been caused by overinstrumentation during root canal treatment as well as irregularly shaped areas presumed to be apical lesions that had enlarged and eroded. We observed a high frequency of manifestations of cementum resorption surrounding the root apices of teeth with apical lesions. Furthermore, we concluded that in the majority of cases in the present study, due to the fact that the apical foramen exceeded normal opening dimensions as a result of overinstrumentation during root canal treatment or resorption around the root apex, prolongation of the lesions had occurred in response to direct contact of microbial infectious matter and tissues surrounding the root apex over a large area. The above finding suggested that, in cases in which the apical foramen is destroyed through overinstrumentation larger than #35 or in which the apical foramen opens up to dimensions greater than 350 microns due to pathologic resorption, surgical intervention may be indicated. On the other hand, in 64% of the cases, an accessory canal was observed in the root apical lesion. Based on this observation, the presence of an accessory canal in the root apex may contribute to some degree to the prolongation of the lesion.

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