
Self-forgiveness – A neglected area within the pastorate: The scientific study of the theme of forgiveness in general, has only begun to gain momentum during the 1970s – it is thus a relatively new concept within the helping professions. Since the sub-discipline of positive psychology has also gained momentum over the past number of years, it has largely contributed to a more realistic approach to the concept of forgiveness. However, within this broad context of the development of research on the theme of forgiveness, the specific aspect of self-forgiveness did not come to fruition from the very onset and was even occasionally described as the ’stepchild’ of research on forgiveness. In this article, we focus on four of the most prominent pastoral-psychological models of self-forgiveness. Aspects that are discussed in this regard are some important definitions, the relationship between interpersonal and intrapersonal forgiveness, characteristics indicating a lack of forgiveness, factors that necessitate self-forgiveness and barriers to self-forgiveness. The basic point of departure in this article is that of a literature study regarding the theme of self-forgiveness. Particular attention is given to the approaches within the abovementioned four models, while data from other relevant sources are also incorporated. Finally, from the various models as well as supplementary literature, several strategic moments regarding the facilitation of self-forgiveness are identified. The importance and topicality of the theme of self-forgiveness, which has been ignored for quite a long period, becomes very evident from this research – for the helping professions and for the pastorate specifically.


  • Indien daar op die veld van navorsing rakende die tema van vergifnis gelet word, is daar veral drie belangrike areas ter sprake, naamlik vergifnis van ander, selfvergifnis en vergifnis vanaf God

  • Die fokus sal vervolgens veral op die volgende vier prominente pastoraal-sielkundige1 modelle val wat in die literatuur geïdentifiseer is: eerstens dié van Everett Worthington (2013; vgl. ook Woodyatt et al 2017); tweedens Stoop (2005:117) se model; derdens die model van Enright (1996), asook Enright en Fitzgibbons (2000); en vierdens dié van Hong en Jacinto (2011)

  • 1.Die outeurs waarna verwys word met betrekking tot die vier voorgestelde modelle is enersyds almal goed op psigologiese gebied onderlê, en andersyds het almaln passie om die uitkomste van hulle navorsing met bybelse en pastorale beginsels te korreleer

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Original Research

Read online: Scan this QR code with your smart phone or mobile device to read online. Since the sub-discipline of positive psychology has gained momentum over the past number of years, it has largely contributed to a more realistic approach to the concept of forgiveness. Within this broad context of the development of research on the theme of forgiveness, the specific aspect of selfforgiveness did not come to fruition from the very onset and was even occasionally described as the ’stepchild’ of research on forgiveness. Die basiese vertrekpunt in hierdie artikel is dié van ’n literatuurstudie met betrekking tot die tema van selfvergifnis.

Inleidende perspektiewe
Historiese oorsig
Skriftuurlike appèl
Belangrike definisies
Die verhouding tussen interpersoonlike en intrapersoonlike vergifnis
Twee kategorieë van selfvergifnis
Kenmerke wat opn gebrek aan selfvergifnis dui
Faktore wat selfvergifnis noodsaak
Hindernisse en blokkasies rakende selfvergifnis
Strategiese momente in die fasilitering van selfvergifnis
Die belangrike rol van geloofsvertroue en geestelike gedetermineerdheid
Die belangrikheid van empatie
Emosionele intelligensie
Vryspraak deur God en ander
Die hantering van woede
Dankbaarheid en vergenoegdheid
Om Jesus Christus binne pynlike ruimtes toe te laat
Die waarde van skryf en kuns
Momente van genade
Die ervaring van rou en verlies
Nuwe begrip rakende verantwoordelikheid
Vrede met sigself en in kontak met die wêreld
Korrigeer die onreg en doenn eerlike belydenis
Die belangrikheid vann ritueel
Werk aan selfaanvaarding
Goddelike deurbrake
Beperkings en moontlike verdere navorsing
Data beskikbaarheidsverklaring
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