
Prior neuroimaging evidence suggests that the medial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC and vmPFC) and posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) are involved in self-referential processing and memory, and that the specific patterns of activation differ as a result of culture. In the current study, we used an adjective trait judgment task and a surprise recognition memory task to investigate how bicultural identity influences self-referential processing and memory as compared to a close other (mother) and a distant, familiar other (Gandhi). Contrary to expectations, results indicate that the dmPFC is more engaged for mother-referencing than self-referencing in our sample of bicultural Asian Americans. In terms of subsequent memory, there was increased activation in the PCC for processing of mother-relevant and other-relevant (compared to self-relevant) information that supported the encoding of information into memory. Finally, we observed reversals in the pattern of activity in the dmPFC implicated in subsequent memory for those with a blended bicultural identity versus those with an alternating bicultural identity. These findings suggest that cultural effects, specifically individual differences in bicultural identity, modulate neural activity during judgment and encoding of information relevant to the self and others.

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