
We derive the properties of self-induced transparency (SIT) solitary waves in a one-dimensional periodic structure doped uniformly with resonance two-level atoms. In our model, the electromagnetic field is treated classically and the dopant atoms are described quantum mechanically. The resulting solitary waves take the form of ultrashort (picosecond) laser pulses which propagate near the band edge of the nonlinear photonic band gap (PBG) material doped with rare-earth atoms such as erbium. Solitary wave formation involves the combined effects of group velocity dispersion (GVD), nonresonant Kerr nonlinearity, and resonant interaction with dopant atoms. We derive the general Maxwell-Bloch equations for a nonlinear PBG system and then demonstrate the existence of elementary solitary wave solutions for frequencies far outside the gap where GVD effects are negligible and for frequencies near the photonic band edge where GVD effects are crucial. We find two distinct new types of propagating SIT solitary wave pulses. Far from Bragg resonance, we recapture the usual McCall-Hahn soliton with hyperbolic secant profile when the nonlinear Kerr coefficient ${\ensuremath{\chi}}^{(3)}=0.$ However, when the host nonresonant Kerr coefficient is nonzero, we obtain the first new type of soliton. In this case, the optical soliton envelope function deviates from the hyperbolic secant profile and pulse propagation requires nontrivial phase modulation (chirping). We derive the dependence of the solitary wave structure on the Kerr coefficient ${\ensuremath{\chi}}^{(3)},$ the resonance impurity atom density, and the detuning of the average laser frequency from the atomic transition. When the laser frequency and the atomic transition frequencies are near the photonic band edge we obtain the second type of soliton. To illustrate the second type of soliton we consider two special cases. In the first case, GVD facilitates the propagation of an unchirped SIT-gap soliton moving at a velocity fixed by the material's parameters. The soliton structure changes dramatically as the laser frequency is tuned through the atomic resonance. In the second illustrative case we set the Kerr coefficient ${\ensuremath{\chi}}^{(3)}=0.$ In this case, the solution is a chirped pulse which arises from the balance between GVD and the resonance interaction with the dopant atoms. Finally, we show that under certain circumstances, these solitary wave solutions may persist even in the presence of (subpicosecond) dipolar dephasing of the dopant atoms and absorption losses of the host PBG material, provided that the system is incoherently pumped. These results may be relevant to the application of PBG materials as optical devices in fiber-optic networks.

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