
Nowadays selfie is one of the significant communication methods in the conditions of the developing internet space.GoalThe study of psychological mechanisms motivating perception of internet space via selfie.ObjectivesThe identification of:– The personal-social necessity in selfie, as a method of the virtual world perception;– The factors of personal-social necessity of the virtual communication via selfie;– The personal features, which contribute to self-presentation in virtual space via selfie.Research methodsOne hundred and thirty-four respondents aging between16–28 (1stgroup: 68 respondents fond of selfie(50.8%), 2ndgroup: 66 respondents not fond of selfie(49.2%)) were studied using standardized scales of anxiety (Spilberger-Hanin), depression (Zung), ego-defense mechanisms(EGMs)(Plutchik-Kellerman-Konte), and life quality(WHO, 1991).ResultsDesire of high evaluation dominates in 47.8% of respondents(r = 0.3; P < 0.01). Fifty point seven percent of the 1stgroup and13.4% in 2ndgroup have heightened anxiety (r = 0.3; P < 0.01). Forty-three point two percent in1stgroup and 23.9% in 2ndgroup don’t have depression.Subdepressive level dominates in 19,4% of 2ndgroup(r = 0.36; P < 0.01), against 11.9% of 1stgroup.In 1stgroup dominate: denial (17.9%), projection (16.4%), regression (7.5%); in 2ndgroup: denial(17.9%), intellectualization(13.4%), projection(7.5%)(P < 0.05). Forty-four point eight percent in 1stgroup and 40.3% in 2ndgroup have a high level of EGM stress (P < 0.05). Forty-six point eight percent in 1stgroup have high level of subjective life quality, 0% had low one; in 2ndgroup: 26.9% have high level, 13.4% low one.ConclusionsPersonal-social necessity of virtual space perception via selfie reflects the severity of narcissistic tendencies. Selfie in conditions of illusory reality increases the subjective level of life quality. Isolation of narcissistic personality from communication through selfie suggests subjective decrease of life quality. Effects of the selfie should be considered in the development of rational methods of use of internet-technologies and in the psycho-correction of people with low life quality.Disclosure of interestThe authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

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