
Heat and mass transfer calculations were performed to determine the effect of increases in the H-canyon Frames Waste Recovery (FWR) column loading on column temperatures during flow interruptions. The heat transfer calculations are based on a previous analysis of the H Frames columns, and the mass transfer calculations use data from two recent laboratory elutions. The current Technical Standard (TS) limits the total amount of Pu-238 on the column to 490 g. To meet production goals for NASA`s Cassini mission, this limit needs to be increased. In addition to the loading limit, the TS stipulates that column temperatures cannot exceed 60{degrees}C. Significant column heating occurs only when flow to the column is interrupted. During normal operation, column temperatures are approximately equal to the ambient temperature. Results from the laboratory elutions and the heat and mass transfer analyses show that, for an ambient temperature of 30{degrees}C, the maximum column temperature cannot reach the TS limit of 60{degrees}C until 80 min. after flow is interrupted during loading or washing or until 50 min. after flow is interrupted during elution. These times are independent of operating conditions. The heating rate for loading and washing was calculated assuming adiabatic heating at a maximum adsorbed plutonium concentration of 45 g/L. The heating rate for elution is based on adiabatic hearing at a total plutonium concentration of 71 g/L. The maximum total concentration during elution consists of 45 g/L adsorbed plutonium plus 26 g/L dissolved plutonium in equilibrium with the adsorbed solid. Based on the results of this study and the previous analysis of the H Frames columns, it is safe to raise the Pu-238 loading of the FWR column from 490 to 800 g or more without violating the TS column temperature limit of 60{degrees}C during a 15-min. flow interruption.

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