
The article is devoted to the community self-government in prerevolutionary Russia, its theoretical reasoning and its understanding Russian scientists. The types and forms of self-government are studied. The social and state theories of self-government are considered, the main statements of their supporters are highlighted. Historically, the first form of self — government is considered-the veche assembly, characteristic of the time when selfgovernment had a wide range of powers. Centralization of power and weakening of self-government, inherent in the period of the Moscow Principality. The article considers the reform of self-government carried out by Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV), the class-representative nature of self-government during his reign; the administrative-territorial division of Peter I and the system of magistrates; the system of class-based local self-government headed by the nobility under Catherine II; the reform of local self-government of Alexander I that affected the state peasants; the abolition of serfdom in 1861.


  • The article is devoted to the community self-government in prerevolutionary Russia, its theoretical reasoning and its understanding Russian scientists

  • The first form of self — government is considered-the veche assembly, characteristic of the time when selfgovernment had a wide range of powers

  • The article considers the reform of self-government carried out by Ivan the Terrible (Ivan IV), the class-representative nature of self-government during his reign; the administrative-territorial division of Peter I and the system of magistrates; the system of class-based local self-government headed by the nobility under Catherine II; the reform of local self-government of Alexander I that affected the state peasants; the abolition of serfdom in 1861

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Рассмотрена исторически первая форма самоуправления — вечевое собрание, характерное для того времени, когда самоуправление обладало широким объемом полномочий, централизация власти и ослабление самоуправления, присущие периоду Московского княжества. Проанализированы реформа самоуправления, проведенная Иваном Грозным, сословно-представительный характер самоуправления в период его правления; административно-территориальное деление Петра I и система магистратов; система сословного местного самоуправления во главе с дворянством при Екатерине II; затронувшая государственных крестьян реформа местного самоуправления Александра I; отмена крепостного права в 1861 г. Ключевые слова: история государства и права, государство, право, самоуправление, местное самоуправление, территориальное общественное самоуправление, общинное самоуправление, община, вече, земство.

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