
The modern system of professional education is characterized by a contradiction between the requirements imposed on the personality and activities of the specialist in the sphere of "physical culture and sport" and the actual level of readiness of graduates of higher educational institutions to perform their professional duties. This contradiction makes it necessary to form professional and pedagogical qualities of specialists in the sphere of "physical culture and sport", such as professional ethics. Vocational training of students faces difficulties that arise from an objectively existing contradiction: between the need for specialists who possess not only a high level of knowledge and skills, but also ethical potential for professional work in constantly changing conditions, and the established practice of their training in an educational institution that is not oriented on the formation of professional ethics of future specialists in the sphere of "physical culture and sports." This article is aimed at studying the cognitive-motivational and activity-based grounds for the formation of professional ethics of future specialists in the sphere of "physical culture and sport". The article presents a subjective assessment of various aspects of the personality that determine the quality of professional activity of future specialists in the sphere of "physical culture and sports". The article reveals specific pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional ethics of future teachers - specialists in the sphere of "physical culture and sport". The materials of the article are of practical value for specialists realizing their professional activity in the field of pedagogical education.

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