
In the four preceding chapters, we have established the formalism of diagrammatic perturbation theory for the electron propagator, which allows one to derive successively higher-order contributions \(\varvec{G}^{(n)}(\omega )\). However, a finite perturbation expansion, e.g., through third order, $$\begin{aligned} \varvec{G}(\omega ) = \varvec{G}^0(\omega ) + \varvec{G}^{(2)}(\omega ) + \varvec{G}^{(3)}(\omega ) + O(4) \qquad (8.1) \end{aligned}$$ does not result in a useful approximation scheme to determine the physical quantities of interest, that is, ionization energies, electron affinities, and the corresponding spectral factors. The reason is that the components \(G_{pq}(\omega )\) are analytical functions, and a finite perturbation expansion does not recover the proper analytical structure ( 3.17), being a sum over simple poles, from which the desired information could be extracted. So the question is how to translate the diagrammatic perturbation expansion into a viable computational scheme. What is needed here is to sum the perturbation expansion, even if only partially, through infinite order. A possible path toward such infinite partial summations, recovering the proper analytical structure of the electron propagator, is provided by the Dyson equation, which we will address in this chapter.

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