
Purpose: to study the formed images of sexual self-consciousness in persons who applied for permission to change their sex. Materials and methods: 80 people were examined, 40 of whom applied for permission to change their sex (20 people male and 20 people of the female biological sex). The comparison group — 20 men and 20 women, whose gender identity coincides with the biological sex. Methods — Sandra Bem's BSRI (Bem Sex-Role Inventory) test, V.V. Stolin's self-attitude questionnaire, O.L. Kustovoi's questionnaire. Results: it has been established that in the group of transsexuals with a female biological sex, images of a man and a woman are clearly distinguished, the self-image is closer to the desired image of a man, while the image of a woman is less achievable. The group of male transsexuals is closer to the image of the “Ideal Man” than to the image of the “Ideal Woman”. The key features that correspond to their self-determination as women are revealed: passivity, dependence on others, compromise, gullibility. According to the self-perception of all 4 groups, the “Ideal Woman” is happier than the “Ideal Man”. In the transsexuals’ group of male biological sex, were found no differences with the indicators of conditionally healthy groups of both sexes in the parameter “Love for children”, in contrast to the group of female transsexuals of the biological sex. Male transsexuals are looking for a radically new way to meet their needs without judgment from society. Summary: the indicators of self-relationship in the comparison groups are higher than in the groups of persons striving for a sex change.

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