
Quantum computers promise vastly enhanced computational power and an uncanny ability to solve classically intractable problems. However, few proposals exist for robust, solid-state implementation of such computers where the quantum gates are sufficiently miniaturized to have nanometer-scale dimensions. Here I present a new approach whereby a complete computer with nanoscale gates might be self-assembled using chemical synthesis. Specifically, I demonstrate how to self-assemble the fundamental unit of this quantum computer---a two-qubit universal quantum gate---based on two exchange coupled multilayered quantum dots. Then I show how these gates can be wired using thiolated conjugated molecules as electrical connectors. Each quantum dot in this architecture consists of ferromagnet-semiconductor-ferromagnet layers. The ground state in the semiconductor layer is spin split because of the Rashba interaction and the spin-splitting energy can be varied by an external electrostatic potential applied to the dot. A spin polarized electron is injected into each dot from one of the ferromagnetic layers and trapped by Coulomb blockade. Its spin orientation encodes a qubit. Arbitrary qubit rotations are effected by bringing the spin-splitting energy in a target quantum dot in resonance with a global ac magnetic field by applying a potential pulse of appropriate amplitude and duration to the dot. The controlled dynamics of the universal two-qubit rotation operation can be realized by exploiting the exchange coupling with the nearest-neighboring dot. The qubit (spin orientation) is read via the current induced between the ferromagnetic layers under an applied potential. The ferromagnetic layers act as ``polarizers'' and ``analyzers'' for spin injection and detection. A complete prescription for initialization of the computer and data input/output operations is presented. This paradigm, to the best of our knowledge, draws together two great recent scientific advances: one in materials science (nanoscale self-assembly) and the other in information science (quantum computing).

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