
Accurate measurements of the size, shape and volume of macular edema can provide important biomarkers to jointly assess disease progression and treatment outcome. Although many deep learning-based segmentation algorithms have achieved remarkable success in semantic segmentation, these methods have difficulty obtaining satisfactory segmentation results in retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) fluid segmentation tasks due to low contrast, blurred boundaries, and varied distribution. Moreover, directly applying a well-trained model on one device to test the images from other devices may cause the performance degradation in the joint analysis of multi-domain OCT images. In this paper, we propose a self-training adversarial learning framework for unsupervised domain adaptation in retinal OCT fluid segmentation tasks. Specifically, we develop an image style transfer module and a fine-grained feature transfer module to reduce discrepancies in the appearance and high-level features of images from different devices. Importantly, we transfer the target images to the appearance of source images to ensure that no image information of the source domain for supervised training is lost. To capture specific features of the target domain, we design a self-training module based on a discrepancy and similarity strategy to select the images with better segmentation results from the target domain and then introduce them into the source domain for the iterative training segmentation model. Extensive experiments on two challenging datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. In Particular, our proposed method achieves comparable results on cross-domain retinal OCT fluid segmentation compared with the state-of-the-art methods.

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