
Youths are prospective nation builders, storehouses of huge amounts of potential and energy. Unfortunately no country in the world till date has been able harness their potential to the maximum. Youth unemployment is universal and the most incomprehensible obstacle in the effective utilization of the young human resource, probably the most vicious of all the determinant’s hampering progress of a nation as its affects are not only limited to present conditions, its repercussions keep on echoing in distant future as well.Through this essay I have attempted to draw an image of a youth who on completion of a costly education attempts to find a reasonable paying job but is unable to do so. The problems faced by him and his feelings during the unemployment period have been marked in bright shades so as to portray the mental agony and torture faced by him right at the most crucial juncture of his life. Incidentally the drawing is my own self portrait.Environmental problems and measures to implement sustainable development is probably the most sought after topic of discussion today. An effectual resolution will have to demand commitment from all sections of the population in particular the young generation involving both measures to respond to damages already done and also requiring intelligent adaptations to mitigate further reparations. I submit this draft plan for self sustained environmentally friendly communities through youth corporative societies as a proposal for a youth-led response with the sanguinity that sustainability can be achieved through economically profitable means.

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