
Detecting the anomalies in a large amounts of high-dimensional data has been a challenging task. In the Industry 4.0 environment, large-scale high-dimensional monitoring data features the complex pattern of high level semantics. In order to provide enterprise-wide monitoring solutions, it is necessary to identify the high-level semantic patterns of the anomalies in these data without splitting them. Existing end-to-end deep neural networks for time series are capable of recognizing the high-level semantics in natural language or speech signals, but they are barely applied in real-time anomaly detection of industrial data because of the large time costs. In this paper, we leverage the self-supervised contrastive learning methodology and propose a Composite Semantic Augmentation Encoder (CSAE) to provide an appropriate representation of industrial data and implement quick detection of anomalies in industrial application environments. CSAE is a non-sequential deep neural network with two augmentation layers and a mandatory layer. The two layers of data-augmentation are built to expand the size of samples of both low-level semantic anomalies and high-level semantic anomalies, which enables CSAE to discover diverse anomalies and improves its accuracy of high-level semantic pattern recognition. The mandatory layer is built to compress and reserve the temporal information in the industrial data to accelerate the anomaly detection. Therefore, as a non-sequential contrastive learning model, CSAE has faster training convergence than the usual sequence models. The experiment results have verified that CSAE can achieve higher prediction accuracy with less time consumption than existing machine learning models in the tasks of high dimensional anomaly pattern detection.

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