
The Freehand System®, an eight-channel functional electrical stimulation (FES) system, was implanted in five adolescents with C-5 or C-6 tetraplegia to provide stimulated lateral pinch and palmar grasp. Following completion of inpatient training on how to use the Freehand System for predefined and self-selected activities of daily living (ADL), the adolescents were discharged to use their Freehand systems at home and school. A telephone survey was administered on a weekly basis to obtain information on the type of ADL performed with the Freehand System, reasons for not using the Freehand System, and perceived barriers and motivators to FES use. Twenty surveys were obtained on each adolescent, resulting in a total of 100 surveys. The most common type of activity performed with the Freehand System was self-care, which included tasks such as eating, grooming, and brushing teeth. The Freehand System was also used for productivity activities defined as writing, socialization, and manipulation of school and household objects. Motivators to Freehand System use included perceived need and importance to perform an ADL in an independent fashion, physical ease of using the Freehand System, and availability of social supports that facilitated Freehand System use. While there were several reported barriers to Freehand System use, incompatibility with multiple transfers to and from the wheelchair and lack of physical assistance during morning care to don the system were perceived as two of the more common reasons for nonuse.

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