
Background:Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most common painful oral lesions that occur frequently inyoung adults; however the etiology still remains unknown. The present study was conducted to explorethe prevalence of RAS in undergraduate medical & dental students as these are the group who are in theirearly adulthood and are prone to stress during studies.Materials and Methods:This was a cross-sectional survey carried out in Gandhara University. Two hundred students of MBBS &BDS participated in the questionnaire survey. Interview was done through a close-ended questionnaire toreport the prevalence of RAS, the associated history, clinical features & preferred treatment.Results:Prevalence of RAS was found to be 87.5% in the study population. Most common site was lower lip where20% people have ever experienced oral ulcer. Most of the participants (46%) tried topical gels and 55%found the treatment effective. Majority was not sure which medication they used. Approximately half (48%)of the students associated the ulcer onset with their psychological stress.Conclusion:The prevalence of RAS was found to be alarming (85.7%) among medical and dental students ofGandhara University. The most common associated factors as experienced and reported by the studentswere found to be family predisposition and psychological stress.

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