
In this article we discuss the self-replicating spot, a particlelike phenomenon that occurs in reaction-diffusion ~RD! systems @1#. The spots consist of localized regions in which the concentrations of the reactants differ from the surrounding concentration fields. They grow, reaching a critical size at which time they divide in two. The two resulting spots again grow and divide. This process, which is visually similar to cell division, continues indefinitely. The long-time behavior depends on the precise values of the external control parameters, but typically consists of a chaotic ‘‘soup’’ in which many spots compete for resources as illustrated in Fig. 1. Those spots that find adequate resources continue to grow and divide. Those that are unable to find adequate resources decay into the background. The spots observed in @1# were found during an attempt to model labyrinthine patterns in the ferrocyanide-iodate-sulfate ~FIS! reaction @2#. Since then, replicating spot patterns have been observed both numerically and experimentally in the FIS reaction @3,4#. There are obvious differences in the Gaspar-Showalter model of the FIS reaction @5# and of the models discussed by us and others. This fact suggests that replication is a generic feature characterizing a broad class of reaction-diffusion systems. In @6#, we presented some arguments in support of this proposition. These arguments included both a heuristic description of the process of replication and demonstrations of analytic features common to several related model RD systems. It turns out that replication is more general than our analysis accounts for. Nevertheless, we think it worthwhile to spell out the details of the theory presented in @6#. We remark here that various aspects of the replication phenomenon have been discussed by other authors @7,8#. Kerner and Osipov have a large body of work on largeamplitude dissipative structures including an analysis of the static division of one-dimensional pulses as the system size is changed. Gurevich and Mints have a body of work on replication of thermal hot spots in composite superconductors. In the article by Petrov, Scott, and Showalter replication


  • In this article we discuss the self-replicating spot, a particlelike phenomenon that occurs in reaction-diffusionRDsystems1͔

  • The key element for spot replication is the multivaluedness of c(LϪ,Lϩ) and the disappearance of the cϭ0 branch of solutions when the fuel flux exceeds a critical value

  • The existence of nontrivial stationary solutions that approach the fixed value uϭ1, vϭ0 asx→ρ in the Gray-Scott model has been analyzed by Doelman, Kaper, and Zegeling7͔

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In this article we discuss the self-replicating spot, a particlelike phenomenon that occurs in reaction-diffusionRDsystems1͔. Those spots that find adequate resources continue to grow and divide. There are obvious differences in the Gaspar-Showalter model of the FIS reaction5͔ and of the models discussed by us and others This fact suggests that replication is a generic feature characterizing a broad class of reaction-diffusion systems. The article by Doelman, Kaper, and Zegeling is complementary to and is of the greatest relevance to the present analysis They use geometric singular perturbation methods to prove the existence of ‘‘a plethora of periodic stationary solutions’’ to the Gray-Scott model.

Rescaled quantities and equations of motion
Matching and boundary conditions
Construction of the single-spot solution
The inner equations and their solutions
Putting the pieces together
Comparison with the numerical simulations
Construction of the N-spot solution
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