
The absence of a Mathematical Physics module that follows the characteristics of Mathematics Physics learning achievement for Physics Education students is the focus of attention in this development research. The purpose of this research is to develop a module of Mathematics Physics oriented to Self Regulated Learning. This module is intended explicitly for Physics Education students as a provision in studying advanced Physics courses. This type of research is research and development (R&D), which follows the steps of developing Thiagarajan, except for the Disseminate stage. This research procedure includes several stages, namely the Define, Design, and Development stages. Based on the results of product validation by two experts, it concluded that the Matrices and Linear Equation System oriented Matrices and Self Regulated Learning-oriented modules were categorized as very feasible to use. For paperless and adjustments in online learning, it is recommended that this FISMAT module be developed again in the form of Hypercontent to make it easier for students to access and use it on smartphones


  • The absence of a Mathematical Physics module that follows the characteristics of Mathematics Physics learning achievement for Physics Education students is the focus of attention in this development research

  • The purpose of this research is to develop a module of Mathematics Physics oriented to

  • which follows the steps of developing Thiagarajan

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The absence of a Mathematical Physics module that follows the characteristics of Mathematics Physics learning achievement for Physics Education students is the focus of attention in this development research. This module is intended explicitly for Physics Education students as a provision in studying advanced Physics courses. Selain itu tujuan FISMAT dibekalkan pada semester awal yaitu diharapkan mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika mempunyai kompetensi dasar matematis dalam memecahkan persoalan Fisika baik secara analitis, kuantitatif, dan prediksi terhadap fenomena Fisika. Boas yang diterjemahkan terlebih dahulu, kemudian disesuaikan dengan kurikulum Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika Unismuh Makassar dan karakteristik dari mata kuliah FISMAT sendiri. Adapun kriteria awal yang dimasukkan dalam modul yaitu beberapa muatan materi yang dapat memacu dan memotivasi mahasiswa untuk belajar FISMAT secara mandiri (Self Regulated Learning). Pemilihan Self Regulated Learning (SRL) sebagai orientasi dalam menyusun modul FISMAT yaitu karena SRL terdiri dari tiga tahapan yang merangsang peserta didik untuk belajar mandiri, yaitu fase berpikir ke depan, kinerja, dan refleksi. Beberapa penelitian tersebut antara lain penelitian pengembangan tugas terstruktur untuk memotivasi mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan FISMAT, penerapan pembelajaran kolaboratif berbasis tugas dalam perkuliahan FISMAT (Marisda & Handayani, 2020), serta analisis kesulitan belajar FISMAT mahasiswa selama masa pandemi COVID-19 (Marisda & Ma’ruf, 2021)

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