
We report about Self‐Potential (SP) anomalies registered 150 m from the active lava dome of Merapi Volcano, which are associated with Ultra‐Long‐Period (ULP) seismic signals (periods >100 s). During a 5‐month period of simultaneous SP and seismological measurements, 50 ULP events were detected seismologically. If SP time series corresponding to ULP events are aligned to the onset times of ULP‐events and stacked, the resulting traces show anomalous SP with an amplitude of 5–20 mV/km and 40–60 min duration. In contrast, the anomalous signals were not present in ground temperature data nor in SP data recorded ≈1 km from the summit. SP anomalies associated with ULP‐seismicity might be caused by electro‐kinetic effect of fluid flow in subsurface. This result is consistent with the ULP‐generation model based on seismological observations and adds new information towards the understanding of ULP‐seismicity.

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