
 The aim of the present descriptive cross-sectionalstudy was to determine the influence oftooth decay in the quality of life related to oralhealth of students aged 11 to 14 years of the I.E.E. 
 “José Granda” district of San Martin de Porres.For this purpose was evaluated a random sampleof 131 students aged 11 to 14 years old. Theinstrument used was a questionnaire CPQ11-14,which was completed by the students and wasrecorded the tooth decay under field conditionsthrough the index of DMFT. Internal consistencywas assessed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.Likewise, the Spearman correlation coefficientand the Mann-Whitney test was performed.Statistical analysis was performed on theSTATA12 software. Was obtained as a result thatthe mean CPQ11-14 was 28.99 (± 16.76). Internalconsistency was 0.91 confirmed by Cronbach’salpha. CPQ11-14 was able to discriminate betweenchildren with dental caries experience and thosewithout (p = 0.0402). The domains of emotionaland social well-being showed a strongassociation with quality of life (p = 0.0583 andp = 0.0205, respectively). Concluding that toothdecay experience negative influence on the qualityof life related to oral health, demonstratingthe need to consider dental caries in strategies topromote oral health of schoolchildren.

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