
Visitors to the 2011 Kentucky State Fair were recruited to fill out a questionnaire before they were given a free analysis of their body composition (body fat %) with a Tanita TBF‐521 body composition analyzer. 60% of overweight men considered themselves normal and 77% of obese men considered themselves only overweight. 15% of normal weight women considered themselves overweight, but only 21% of overweight women considered themselves normal and 51% of obese women put themselves in the overweight category. 80% of the participants would choose vegetables or fruits and nuts for snacks but 30% of the obese group would choose chips for a snack. 70% of the participants would learn to prepare vegetable dishes on their own but only 14% would do so by attending free workshops. 72% of participants were willing to add physical activities to their daily life such as walking but only 10% was willing to join a free club for exercise and 10% of the obese is willing to pay for an exercise program. 60% of the obese group was willing to cut soft drinks and 50% of the normal weight and overweight individuals were willing to drink water only. In conclusion, self perception of body weight tended to lower the severity of weight problems in both men and women. Furthermore, self perception of body weight status could affect the willingness to adopt healthy eating and activity behaviors.

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