
Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the theoretical and practical implication of academic selfperception and various other school related variables in the field of educational psychology research. Methods/ Statistical Analysis: The literature review was done keeping in view the different perspectives of recommendations made in the field of self-perception and academic achievement. The search attempts to understand various research studies against self-perception and academic achievement. Findings: The literature review process delivers a detailed discussion on a set of subject matter specific self-concepts. This self-perception explains how better the students perform in their various school subjects offered to them like mathematics, science, language arts, social studies etc. It also explores whether self-perception is one-dimensional or multidimensional. The gap analysis conducted during literature review focuses on the need to study the subject-specific academic self-perception and its association with to academic performance. Application/Improvements: Self-awareness is a basic human condition. Self-perception emerges in the early period of life and the significant others set the platform for it. Many studies show that academic self-perception is related to wide variety of school-related variables. The related variables are found to be subject specific school achievement, perceived social status among peers, participation in the class room dialogue, perception of peers and teachers, classroom behavior.

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