
Numerous cases of self inflicted foreign bodies in Urethra has been reported [1,2,3]. Objects were fish hooks, metal rods, hair pins, pellets, screws, wires, wooden sticks/match sticks et. Most cases are associated with psychiatric disorders, senility, intoxication or autoerotic stimulation. Patients often present with dysuria, haematuria, pyuria, increased urinary frequency, urinary retention, penile swelling, perineal swelling, urethral fistulas [4]. Diagnosis is based largely on history and clinical examination, however radiological and cystoscopic studies are required to confirm diagnosis and plan management [5]. The management include extraction of foreign body and prevention of long term complication, in addition to assessment of patients motivation and psychiatrist help may be required [6,7]. In this report we present a typical case of self insertion of foreign body.

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