
ABSTRACTUsing a self-defining memory task, this work studies the exact moment in which abstinent alcoholics perceived themselves as addicted. Phenomenological variables involved in the memory were obtained asking participants to evaluate their cognitions, perceptions and emotions associated with that self-defining memory. The sample consisted of 12 female and 31 male ex-alcoholics, with abstinence ranging from 6 months to 23 years. Mean age was 52.91 years. Our findings showed that awareness of the alcoholic self emerges in the context of uncontrolled consumption or an ultimatum from family members. This type of memory had a positive valence for most of the participants, regardless of the memory perspective (actor versus spectator). Those who remembered from an actor perspective, perceived the event as providing higher growth and personal learning. These results show the importance of exploring situations of uncontrolled consumption and family dynamics in the self-recognition of alcohol dependence. In addition, reinforcing an actor perspective compared to a spectator perspective might results in higher levels of personal enrichment, which may help maintain a patient’s long-term recovery. These results support the use of autobiographical memory techniques to enhance awareness of the addicted self, and suggest the need to include these interventions in rehabilitation programmes.

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