
The aim of this study is to investigate how financial knowledge, financial attitude, and pocket money can affect saving behavior with self - control as a moderate variable. This study adopted a quantitative approach. The population in this study was 298 stud ents of Accounting Education Department at the State University of Surabaya with a sample of 178 students. The data collection methods were closed tests and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on component partial least square (PLS) with the help of the WarpPLS 6.0 application. The results of the study show that: 1) financial knowledge does not significantly affect saving behavior and this is proven by p - value 0,348 ≥ significant 0,05. 2) Financial attitude does not significantly affect saving behavior and this is proven by a p - value 0,225 ≥ 0,05. 3) pocket money has a significant impact on interest - bearing pocket money and this is demonstrated by p - value 0,001 ≤ 0,01 and Path Coefficient 0,754 . 4) Self - contr ol as moderating does not have a significant impact on saving behavior and this is proven by a p - value 0,148 ≥ 0,05. 5) Self - control is unable to modify the impact of financial knowledge on saving behavior and this is demonstrated by p - value 0 results, 0,2 07 ≥ 0,05. 6) Self - control can modernize financial attitude with saving behavior and this is proven by p - value 0,023 ≤ 0,05. 7) Self - control can modify the effect of pocket money on saving behavior and this is demonstrated by a p - value 0,047 ≤ 0,05.


  • PENDAHULUAN Pembangunan suatu negara harus selalu diperhatikan dan bagian yang penting ialah pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi

  • 2) Financial attitude does not significantly affect saving behavior and this is proven by a p-value 0,225 ≥ 0,05. 3) pocket money has a significant impact on interest-bearing pocket money and this is demonstrated by p-value 0,001 ≤ 0,01 and Path Coefficient 0,754

  • 4) Self-control as moderating does not have a significant impact on saving behavior and this is proven by a p-value 0,148 ≥ 0,05

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Hasil uji yang pertama meliputi uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui valid dan reliabel tidaknya instrumen penelitian. Hasil uji validitas pada Combined Loadings and Cross-Loading menunjukkan keseluruhan variabel memenuhi validitas konvergen karena muatan faktor > 0,30. Pada tabel tersebut juga telah diperlihatkan bahwa setiap instrumen penelitian bersifat valid diskriminan yang menunjukkan hasil bahwa loading > cross loading. Serta pada nilai akar Average Variance Extracted (AVE) dan koefisien korelasi menunjukkan bahwa keseluruh variabel pada setiap indikator telah memenuhi validitas diskriminan karena pada perolehan hasil akar AVE lebih tinggi dari korelasi variabel yang bersangkutan. Pada hasil uji reliabilitas instrumen penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reliabilitas komposit telah terpenuhi, karena hasil lebih besar dari 0,7. Selanjutnya instrumen penelitian juga telah memenuhi reliabilitas internal konsistensi, dimana perolehan Cronbach’s Alpha pada keseluruhan indikator variabel lebih dari 0,6. Pegujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis WarpPLS 6.0 yang dilakukan degan t-test dan penggunaan metode resampling.

Hasil Analisis Pengujian Hipotesis Menggunakan Variabel Moderating
PEMBAHASAN Pengaruh Pengetahuan Keuangan Terhadap Perilaku Menabung
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