
Two new families of self-consistent axisymmetric truncated equilibrium models for the description of quasi-relaxed rotating stellar systems are presented. The first extends the spherical King models to the case of solid-body rotation. The second is characterized by differential rotation, designed to be rigid in the central regions and to vanish in the outer parts, where the energy truncation becomes effective. The models are constructed by solving the nonlinear Poisson equation for the self-consistent mean-field potential. For rigidly rotating configurations, the solutions are obtained by an asymptotic expansion on the rotation strength parameter. The differentially rotating models are constructed by means of an iterative approach based on a Legendre series expansion of the density and the potential. The two classes of models exhibit complementary properties. The rigidly rotating configurations are flattened toward the equatorial plane, with deviations from spherical symmetry that increase with the distance from the center. For models of the second family, the deviations from spherical symmetry are strongest in the central region, whereas the outer parts tend to be quasi-spherical. The relevant parameter spaces are explored and the intrinsic and projected structural properties are described. Special attention is given to the effect of different options for the truncation of the distribution function in phase space. Models in the moderate rotation regime are best suited to applications to globular clusters. For general interest in stellar dynamics, at high values of the rotation strength the differentially rotating models exhibit a toroidal core embedded in a quasi-spherical configuration. Physically simple analytical models of the kind presented here provide insights into dynamical mechanisms and may be a basis for more realistic investigations with the help of N-body simulations.

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