
(Received September 1, 2009; Revised February 2, 2010)The one-body potentials for protons and neutrons are obtained from the self-consistentGreen-function calculations of asymmetric nuclear matter, in particular their dependence onthe degree of proton/neutron asymmetry. Results of the binding energy per nucleon as afunction of the density and asymmetry parameter are presented for the self-consistent Greenfunction approach using the CD-Bonn potential. For the sake of comparison, the same cal-culations are performed using the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approximation. The contributionof the hole-hole terms leads to a repulsive contribution to the energy per nucleon whichincreases with the nuclear density. The incompressibility for asymmetric nuclear matter hasbeen also investigated in the framework of the self-consistent Green-function approach usingthe CD-Bonn potential. The behavior of the incompressibility is studied for different valuesof the nuclear density and the neutron excess parameter. The nuclear symmetry potentialat fixed nuclear density is also calculated and its value decreases with increasing the nu-cleon energy. In particular, the nuclear symmetry potential at saturation density changesfrom positive to negative values at nucleon kinetic energy of about 200 MeV. For the sakeof comparison, the same calculations are performed using the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock ap-proximation. The proton/neutron effective mass splitting in neutron-rich matter has beenstudied. The predicted isospin splitting of the proton/neutron effective mass splitting inneutron-rich matter is such that

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