
Summary A higher rate of minimal brain abnormalities detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is found in a sample of highly violent incarcerated sexual offenders compared to a low violent group. Although similar in age, the MRI-positive group (n = 17) exhibited more previous nonsexual violent felonies, and more offenses against property than the MRI-negative subjects (n = 21). When comparing self-perceptions of aggression, self-concepts and interpersonal problems in offender groups, those with brain abnormalities showed lower self-perceived aggression and slightly better self-concepts. Self-per-ceived-aggression in offenders without brain abnormalities was found to be highly dependent from social and interpersonal self perceptions, whereas these associations could not be shown in offenders with brain abnormalities. The preliminary conclusion is that minimal brain abnormalities in sexual offenders might lead to disruption of social perception and feelings of aggression and anxiety. This disconnection ...

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