
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus causing a significant public health problem by increasing its burden globally. It is also considered a disease of poor lifestyle. The risk of these complications can be minimized by maintaining a good glycaemic control. The patients with good diabetes self-care behaviours can attain an excellent glycaemic control and lowering the micro and macro vascular complications
 Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in a rural area of Bengaluru. Diabetic patients aged 20 years and above residing in the same area for more than 6 months were included. Multistage sampling technique used to select samples. The semi structured questionnaire from The Summary of Diabetes Self-care Activities (SDSCA) Measure was used.
 Results: A total of 169 diabetic patients were included in the study. Healthy diet was consumed by 71.6% and regular physical activities for at least 30 min a day was followed by 16.6%. Weight monitoring was done by 49.1% subjects. Regular foot examination by the doctor was observed among 42.6% and 46.7% were using covered shoes.
 Conclusion: Diabetic patient in rural Bangalore follow good self-care behavior regarding diet, foot care and eye examination but very poor in exercise and glycemic/ HbA1c monitoring.

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