
Relevance. Students are vulnerable in terms of maintaining their health while studying at a university. In modern programs, the number of hours devoted to physical education has been greatly reduced. The data of medical examinations conducted annually in student polyclinics indicate a large number of young people with diseases of varying severity. Visual impairment and the presence of iron deficiency anemia are diagnosed in most medical students and soon threaten to become normal. The purpose of the study. To find out how responsible students are about their health, the author set a goal to analyze the self-assessment of the health of students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd courses of the programs "Medicine" and "General Medicine". Methods and organization of research. To conduct the study, questions reflecting the objectives of the study were selected and a questionnaire of 16 questions with several options was compiled. There were several answers to two questions. Using the GOOGLE Internet resource, the questionnaire application, students of the first, second and third years of study at the M. Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University were surveyed. The results of the study. It was revealed that by the third year, neglect of one's own health appears, expressed in non-compliance with the diet, irregular physical activity. A third of the students do not take care of their health at all. Most second-year students have trouble sleeping and consistently report insomnia. The number of students experiencing constant nervous stress and stress, as well as having a habit of eating irrationally, is alarming. This indicator increases from course to course. Conclusions. It is necessary to provide students with access to normal and timely meals, and little time is allocated for this in the class schedule, in addition, the only canteen cannot cope with so many students. As for the sleep and rest regime, it is necessary to carry out prevention in all training courses.

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