
This paper reports the relationship between the degree of negatively charged groups on the poly(4-vinyloxybutane sulfonate-co-vinyl alcohol) or PVA-BS and poly(4-vinyloxybutane sulfonate-co-vinyloxydodecane-covinyl alcohol) or PVA-12C-BS polymers and their self-assembled particles’ morphologies. With grafted hydrophobic moieties (PVA-12C-BS polymers), the size of the self-assembled particles decreased with increasing levels of butane sulfonate substitution. However, with no hydrophobic moiety grafted (PVA-BS), the size of the self-assembled particles increased with increasing levels of butane sulfonate substitution. The response of the PVA-BS and PVA-12C-BS polymeric particles to the loading of a model hydrophobic compound, 2-ethylhexyl-4-methoxycinnamate (EHMC), was markedly different. With the drug as a hydrophobic core, EHMC-loaded PVA-BS particles were smaller in size and more stable than the unloaded particles. In contrast, the EHMC-loaded PVA-12C-BS particles were larger than the corresponding unloaded particles. Open image in new window

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