
Purpose of work isan improvement of the controlling efficiency for the processes of self-grinding ores in drum mills by using adaptive settings for the perimeters of the control part of the system. Methodology. For the self-grinding process, the degree of filling of the mill drum is a critical technological variable, i.e. this parameter not only has a direct impact on the efficiency of the grinding unit in terms of the newly formed finished product, but also determines the trouble-free operation of the mill.It is known from the referenced literature that during thedecay time of the autocorrelation function for the processes of original ore’s main characteristics change is on the order of several hours or more. At the same time, the inertia of the crushed aggregate is measured in tens of minutes. Under such conditions, one should assume that quasi-stationarity and the rational use of the control system for a wide scope of self-grinding take place. Research results. Using the method of auxiliary operators, the law for setting the parameters of the main circuit of the self-adjusting system was generated, and the block diagrams of the adaptive control system for filling ore self-grinding mills were determined. The transient processes in the control system are calculated, which proves the expediency and effectiveness of the proposed approach. Scientific novelty. A new approach is proposed using an adaptive control system to regulate the degree of filling of autogenous ores mills, based on the use of the method of auxiliary operators. Practical significance. While calculating the tuning processes in the control system for the filling degree of the mill, it was found that even with a simultaneous abrupt change in the object’s parameters K0,T1,T2to the maximum value, the adaptive system completes tuning the parameters of the controllerC1, C2, C3 for a time of about 230 ÷ 270 minutes, which indicates the practical feasibility and effectiveness of this approach to control the filling level of ore self-grinding mills.

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