
A family of divalent metal–organic coordination polymers (MOCPs) that contain a conformationally flexible N,N′-bis(2-pyrazinyl)piperazine (bpzp) ligand were reported. The MOCPs {[Cu(bpzp)2(NO3)2]·3H2O}n (1·3H2O), {[Co(bpzp)2(NCS)2]·CH2Cl2·2CH3OH}n (2·CH2Cl2·2CH3OH) and {[Ni(bpzp)2(NCS)2]n·4CH3OH}n (3·4CH3OH) possess nearly identical extended rhombic grid-like (4,4)-layered networks, of which the latter two are isostructural and isomorphous. These layers are stacked in an eclipsed AAA arrangement for 1 and in a stagered ABABAB arrangement for 2 and 3. This can be attributed to the different conformations of the bpzp ligand, namely a C-e,e-anti conformer observed in 1 and a C-a,a-anti conformer in 2 and 3. In the case of [Ni(bpzp)3(NO3)2]n (4) and [Cd(bpzp)3(ClO4)2]n (5), the bpzp ligand is present as both a bridged bismonodentate C-e,e-anti conformer and a terminal monodentate C-e,e-syn conformer, leading to the formation of nearly identical linear chain structures. On the other hand, the MOCP {[Cd2(bdc)2(bpzp)3(H2O)2]·H2O}n (6·H2O, bdc = 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate) exhibits a 2D honeycomb (6,3)-layer structure, comprised of 1D Cd(bdc)-chain subunits and C-a,a-anti configured bpzp linkages. The MOCP [Cd2(btec)(bpzp)]n (7, btec = 1,2,4,5-benzenetetracarboxylate) adopts an extended 3D network comprised of Cd(btec)-based layers and C-e,e-anti configured bpzp pillars. These materials are thermally stable at temperatures up to 200 °C. The photoluminescence properties of the free bpzp ligand and the cadmium derivatives were also examined.

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