
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) replicates and evades detection using ER membranes and their associated protein machinery. Among these hijacked human proteins is selenoprotein S (selenos). This selenoprotein takes part in the protein quality control, signaling, and the regulation of cytokine secretion. While the role of selenos in the viral life cycle is not yet known, it has been reported to interact with SARS-CoV-2 nonstructural protein 7 (nsp7), a viral protein essential for the replication of the virus. We set to study whether selenos and nsp7 interact directly and if they can still bind when nsp7 is bound to the replication and transcription complex of the virus. Using biochemical assays, we show that selenos binds directly to nsp7. In addition, we found that selenos can bind to nsp7 when it is in a complex with the coronavirus's minimal replication and transcription complex, comprised of nsp7, nsp8, and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase nsp12. In addition, through crosslinking experiments, we mapped the interaction sites of selenos and nsp7 in the replication complex and showed that the hydrophobic segment of selenos is essential for binding to nsp7. This arrangement leaves an extended helix and the intrinsically disordered segment of selenos—including the reactive selenocysteine—exposed and free to potentially recruit additional proteins to the replication and transcription complex.

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