
Selenium reduction was evaluated with pure batch cultures of Shigella fergusonii strain TB42616 (TB) and Pantoea vagans strain EWB32213-2 (EWB), respectively. A two-stage process, from Se(VI) to Se(IV) and then from Se(IV) to Se(0), was observed. The second stage of reduction, from Se(IV) to Se(0), was observed as the rate-limiting step resulting in accumulation of the more toxic Se(IV). In order to facilitate Se(VI) reduction and reduce Se(IV) accumulation, the Se(VI)-reducing strain TB was co-cultured with a Se(IV)-reducing strain EWB. Although Se(VI) reduction rate was not affected, Se(IV) reduction was significantly enhanced with low Se(IV) accumulation in the defined co-culture. Effects of culture composition as well as nitrate and arsenate on Se(VI) reduction were also investigated. A co-culture composition of 10:1 (EWB:TB) ratio was observed to achieve the best total selenium reduction. In addition, nitrate at 50mg/L was observed to inhibit Se(IV) reduction but not Se(VI) reduction, while arsenate at 200mg/L exhibited slight inhibition on both Se(VI) and Se(IV) reduction.

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