
Selenium is one of the most important micronutrients affecting the human body. It plays a crucial role in the thyroid gland, where its concentration is the highest. This element has the ability to remove reactive oxygen species and deiodinate thyroid hormones. Balanced diet and supplements are basic for achieving proper concentration of selenium in human organism. Recently a number of studies have been conducted focusing on the effect of selenium on autoimmune thyroiditis - Hashimoto’s disease. In our study the oral supply of selenium was used, and then the levels of selected parameters were measured. It has been proved that Selenium lowers levels of antithyroglobulin and anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies. Moreover the concentration of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone is also lowered by this micronutrient. In this review we draw attention to possible resources of delivery of this element to organisms and the impact it has on the course of the above-mentioned diseases. We come to conclusion that there is a strong correlation between Selenium and the functioning of thyroid gland. Doctor’s awareness and cooperation with the patient in order to establish proper doses of micro- and macronutrients which are taken with basic medications is very important for the therapeutic process. This article is a review of current medical knowledge about Selenium affecting a thyroid gland based on available publications in Pubmed and Google Scholar databases.

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