
The present study was designed to determine the apparent absorption and retention of the inorganic Se compounds SeO3(2-) and SeO4(2-), which are commonly used for Se fortification of clinical nutrition products and infant formulas. Ten healthy men were fed a milk-based formula labelled with 40 microg Se as 74SeO3(2-) or 76SeO4(2-) on two consecutive days using a randomised crossover design. Se stable-isotope analysis of 9 d complete collections of urine and faeces was used to calculate apparent Se absorption and retention. Se retention from 74SeO3(2-) (41.0 (SD 8.4) %) and from 76SeO4(2-) (46.0 (SD 7.9) %) was not significantly different (P > 0.05). However, Se absorption was significantly higher from SeO4(2-) than from SeO3(2-) (91.3 (SD 1.4) % v. 50.2 (SD 7.8) %, P < 0.05). Urinary excretion of the administered dose was 9.2 (SD 1.8) % for 74SeO3(2-) and 45.3 (SD 8.2) % for 76SeO4(2-) (P < 0.05). Urinary Se excretion kinetics differed significantly for the two Se compounds; 90 % of the total urinary Se was excreted after 121 h for 74SeO32- and after 40 h for 76SeO42- These results suggest that although Se absorption and urinary excretion differ for SeO3(2-) and SeO4(2-), both Se compounds are equally well retained when administered at a relatively low dose (40 microg Se). The nutritional impact of Se fortification of foods would thus be expected to be similar when SeO4(2-) or SeO3(2-) are used.

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