
The main selective characteristics of a Resonant Cavity Antenna, which is a radiating element of the antenna array of a glide path station, are presented. The results of rigorous electrodynamic modeling of a resonator antenna and experimental results of studies on antenna samples are presented


  • A flat resonant cavity antenna (RA) serves as a radiating element of the antenna array of a ILS glide path station

  • The accuracy of ILS glide path depends on the stability of the parameters of the radiating elements of the antenna array when exposed to external environmental factors

  • RA has unique properties that can significantly reduce the impact on the characteristics of the radio system of unwanted radio waves, meteorological environmental factors and the underlying surface

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A flat resonant cavity antenna (RA) serves as a radiating element of the antenna array of a ILS glide path station. The accuracy of ILS glide path depends on the stability of the parameters of the radiating elements of the antenna array when exposed to external environmental factors. Radiating elements with high spatio-temporal selective properties are of great practical interest. The longitudinal dimensions of the antennas exceed half the operating wavelength. In antennas there is a mode of mixed waves. This leads to a deterioration of the directional properties, polarization properties of the antenna and poor matching of the antenna with the feeder. This paper presents the original aperture, two-cavity, single-mode RA, having a longitudinal size not exceeding half the working wavelength. Illustrative material and information on the polarization properties of the antenna are added

Object of research
Research methods and basic characteristics of the resonant cavity antenna
Frequency matching with a feeder of a resonant cavity antenna
Directional properties of a resonant cavity antenna
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