
The effectiveness of odour-baited targets treated with 0.8% deltamethrin in controlling Glossina austeni Newstead and G. brevipalpis Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) was evaluated in Zululand, South Africa. Targets were initially deployed in the three habitat types (grassland, woodland and forest) of two adjacent areas at a density of four targets per km(2). One area functioned as the treatment block (c. 35 km(2)) and included the focus of the target deployment, and the second area functioned as a barrier block (c. 40 km(2)) against tsetse fly re-invasion from the untreated area to the south. After 8 months, targets were removed from open grassland in both areas and target density in wooded habitats and sand forest was increased to eight per km(2). Twelve months later, all targets were removed from the barrier block and used to increase target density in the wooded and sand forest habitats of the treatment block to 12 per km(2). This target density was maintained for 14 months. In the treatment area, a 99% reduction in G. austeni females occurred after 13 months at a target density of eight per km(2) in wooded habitat; this was maintained for 22 months. Reduction in G. brevipalpis was less marked. The relatively poor reduction in G. brevipalpis is attributed to the high mobility of this species and its distribution throughout less wooded and more open habitats.

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