
Prolonged social stress is a major cause for depression in humans and is associated with a wide range of subsequent pathophysiological changes such as elevated blood pressure. A routinely used model for investigating this kind of stress in mice is the chronic social defeat paradigm where a smaller intruder is exposed to an aggressive inhabitant of a home cage. This model is restricted to males and includes a high proportion of physical stress that might e.g., interfere with immunological aspects of the stress. The prevalence of depression in humans is even higher in women than in men. Therefore, expanding models to female individuals is desirable. We here tested the social instability model as a tool for administering chronic social stress to female C57BL/6J mice and analyzed short-term as well as long-lasting effects. Animals were housed in groups of four and were shuffled two times a week, resulting in a permanent re-structuration of their social hierarchy. While directly after the stress exposure, serum corticosterone was elevated, increased body weight and fat deposits were observed in stressed mice even one year after discontinuation of the stress. At the behavioral level, animals could be stratified into resilient and susceptible animals directly post-stress, but those subgroups were not distinguishable any more in the long-term analysis. To identify molecular contributors to resilience in the here presented social instability induced stress model, Arc-activity dependent trapping of neurons was conducted in Arc-creERT2/sun1sfGFP mice. RNA samples derived from activated nuclei from the ventral hippocampus, a brain region involved in stress-regulation during attacks or explorative behavior of mice, were subjected to a neurogenesis pathway array. While several genes were differentially regulated by stress, in particular, artemin, a neurotrophic factor was upregulated in resilient versus susceptible individuals.

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